
To become a strong and active network of scientists and others who are interested in sustainable development in general and sustainable development of Kerala in particular.

To become a strong and active network of scientists and others who are interested in sustainable development in general and sustainable development of Kerala in particular.

To promote advanced research in various aspects of suatainable development

To promote development of higher education in various aspects of suatainable development.

To have a server for maintaining a website of the network with provision for interactive communication between the members.

To establish and maintain an up-to-date data base on sustainable development in general and sustainable development of Kerala in particular for information retreival.

To produce and publish a quarterly newsletter on vaious aspects of sustainable development

To produce and publish a quarterly journal carrying scientific articles on vaious aspects of sustainable development of Kerala.

To own a model laboratory accredited not only to do research and development of sustainable and enviornment friendly techniques but also to scientifically test and document the data necessary/required to assert the effects in support of the claims.

To own a model production facility for producing and marketing sustainable and environment friendly products of day to day use developed by its members and/or other stakeholders.